Sunday, June 5, 2011

KVat Analyser

KVat Analyser

This excel sheet will be useful for the dealers in Kerala for checking their purchase and sales invoices before uploading. Easy to operate; by one click it will import purchase.txt and sales.txt from C:\Kvat folder and will check for errors and will analyse the data... Download now

First Validate the file using Kvat Excel Sheet. After that open Kvat Analyser and Just Press the button to import Kvat "Purchase.txt" and "Sales.txt" Files. If the data imported is not in a good alignment you need to arrange it well in appropriate columns. For that you can use the button named "Sort and Rearrange Data". To edit Data Manually always use only "Copy & Paste". Never attempt to "Cut & Paste" anything. (Formulae may be damaged)

How To Install
No need to install Just Copy Kvat Analyser Excel sheet anywhere you desire. It will work well.

As the Worksheet is not password protected anyone can edit or delete formulae/macro and that may affect this worksheet badly.
And there may have unintentional errors that may give wrong information.
And this work book can manage data only up to 149 Rows, data above that limit will not be considered.

To verify data before uploading and thereby ensure that…
1. The correct file is uploading.
2. To add each column and get Gross' total, Vat's total and correct Cess amount.
3. In short, to know what are we uploading

If this Excel Sheet Doesn’t Work In Your System
  1. For the smooth functioning of this sheet in C folder There should have a folder named KVAT and in that folder there should have two text files named “Pruchase.txt” and “Sales.txt”. As that folder and files are created automatically by the E-filing Excel Sheet you can’t use this excel sheet if you are outside Kerala and you are not using the Vat E-filing System under Govt of Kerala. Sorry For the inconvenience.

2. Your system has prevented some macros associated with this excel sheet and you need to enable macro by choose Tools>Macro>Security>Security Level and select appropriate option.

This Excel Sheet is designed for assisting users in Kvat E-filing. And it will be useful only for Kerala Value Added Tax E-Filing. Because I have prepared this sheet based on the report being produced by the special Excel Sheet provided for Kerala Region.

How does this work
As I mentioned earlier the excel sheet provided by the Govt. of Kerala - for preparing Sales and Purchase statements to upload – will create two text filed in C:\KVAT\ folder. KVat Analyser will import that text files and look for Errors and show totals of each column – In E-filing Excel Sheet All types of arithmetical operations are disabled. The KVat Analyser works with macros. If you have disabled macro in your system this excel sheet will not work.

Screen Shots

Analysing Sheet

Data Importing Sheet

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