Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Life Analyzer

Here is an Excel sheet which helps you to realize the value of time by showing even total number of seconds you lived till this hour. It also provides a graphical analysis of your life based on time.

This Excel sheet calculates everything from the date of your birth to now. After giving all details in the blue boxes go to Analyzer sheet to view the result and ready for the surprise. I know you would like this sheet, because you would not have thought that our lifetime is too short, we live here in earth maximum up to 36,500 Days only. We have to do a lot in our life but time is too short. So do not waste time. Let us know how you spent your time until now and for what.

My intention is to do aware you about the possibilities of Information Technology and about the value of Time. It is my pleasure to hear from you. Visit my blog for more useful stuffs. Thank you.

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