Saturday, May 14, 2011

Share Market Analyser

Screen shot of Home Page

Share Market Analyser is an Excel sheet which helps us to study fluctuations and current prices of shares listed in BSE and NSE Stock Exchanges in India.

This Excel sheet can fetch data from websites and analyze in a tabular form, showing Daily/Weekly and Monthly Growth/Declining rate and current prices. The table and a new sheet ' My Watch List' allows you to create your own watch list and enables you to watch changes in the price and growth rate of your favorite shares.

This file can be updated at anytime with a single click on the button provided in this Excel Sheet. Users can create a record of their favorite shares and watch continuously and analyze the fluctuations with the help of “My Watch List”. We can even get the profit/loss on the investment in each share. This Utility Excel sheet provides a good graphical user interface and the users can make “if you have invested this much of analysis”. It is very easy to use and have an attractive layout.

This Excel Sheet is created in a Macro enabled excel sheet of 2007 version. To work with this Share Market Analyser you have to enable macros in your work book and you must be connected with internet.

Total size of the Share Market Analyser and a Help file in pdf format to be downloaded is 2.49 Mb.

Some page views of this Excel sheet is given below. You can download this file form the link provided below here in this work sheet. If you likes it write a few lines, and don’t forget to send your feedbacks, suggestions and criticisms. Thank you.

Click here to download now

Screen shot of Analyzing Sheet

Screen shot of My Watch List


  1. Unable to open file in excel form after downloading..!!??

  2. It is created in Excel 2007 Version. If you are using any of the earlier versions please upgrade your MSoffice to 2007 or later versions.. However I am really sorry..
