Tuesday, April 5, 2011

KVat Folder Watch.exe

This application will be useful for the sales tax practitioners/dealers in Kerala to observe whether anyone have modified/validated those files, “purchase.txt” and “sales.txt” containing in C:\Kvat folder. This program will systematically check those text files after our validation and make it sure that it is the same we intend to upload.

Kerala Commercial Tax Department requires every dealer registered under Kerala Value Added Tax Act to submit monthly sales tax returns electronically uploading Purchase list and Sales list to their website. For that they have provided an Excel Sheet to validate data after feeding details of Sales and Purchase. After validation two text files will be created to C:\Kvat folder namely purchase.txt and sales.txt.

Sometimes, especially when we work in a network having a server and multiple users, we have to share C:\ drive and Kvat folder with other users. If any user have validated the same sheet after our validation those text files may be overwritten. When the number of return increases our headache also increases. If we upload wrong text files along with our return we can reasonably expect a notice form sales tax office. And we need to revise our return and give a reply showing the cause of error occurred.

I have created this application using Visual Basic Programming language 6 to solve this problem. This program will monitor C:\Kvat folder and will inform us if those files are overwritten. This software need not to install in your system. Just open this program after your validation and relax. It will check every second the status of those text files. When someone validate with their sales and purchase details this program will give you a warning message showing the time of modification of text files. 

You can download this program from the link below.

Life Analyzer

Here is an Excel sheet which helps you to realize the value of time by showing even total number of seconds you lived till this hour. It also provides a graphical analysis of your life based on time.

This Excel sheet calculates everything from the date of your birth to now. After giving all details in the blue boxes go to Analyzer sheet to view the result and ready for the surprise. I know you would like this sheet, because you would not have thought that our lifetime is too short, we live here in earth maximum up to 36,500 Days only. We have to do a lot in our life but time is too short. So do not waste time. Let us know how you spent your time until now and for what.

My intention is to do aware you about the possibilities of Information Technology and about the value of Time. It is my pleasure to hear from you. Visit my blog for more useful stuffs. Thank you.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bank Audit SBI XL Tools For 2014

If you are and auditor of any of the branches of State Bank of India, here is a program an Excel Sheet named “Bank Audit SBI XL Tools” containing some utility program for you to help in your audit work.

This file will be helpful for Auditors of State Bank of India to import text files namely Loan file, CC_OD file and NPA statement to a well formatted excel spread sheet within seconds. And you can also analyze other accounts of NPA borrowers easily. Basically it is an Excel Worksheet programmed using macro and VBA. Before you start working with this program, please ensure that macros are not disabled in your system. It is very important for the smooth functioning of this utility program. If you want to get any help to understand how to enable macro in your computer just press “F1” Function key and type in the box provided “enabling macros” and press enter. And do according to the instructions you receive form the help topic of Microsoft Excel. This utility program is very useful in the current scenario of Core Banking Solutions. And you can further analyze the data using various tools of Excel (Sorting, Filtering, etc). Let me know if it was helpful to you. I assure you that this program will save your 50% time and energy otherwise you should have to spend for the same work manually. Thank you for sending your feedback and supporting me.

(PS: This audit tool is designed only for conducting audit in State Bank of India. Data structure may be different in other banks. The Data you receive from the Bank will be usually in a Data Compression Format (Generally *.gz Files). It can be extracted with WinRAR or any other similar programs. After extraction you get some text files; from those files choose the following text files:-

1. Loans Balance File,
2. CC/OD Balance File, and
3. List of NPA Accounts.

These text files should be renamed as given below and copied to your C:\ Drive before you use this Excel Sheet.)

You can download this program from the following link at free of cost. You can also donate for the further improvements of Bank Audit SBI XL Tools.

Click to Download - Bank Audit SBI XL Tools for 2014 year Audit  
For 2014 Bank Audit. Last updated on 11/04/2014
Please download this modified version..